Calling to Shape Your Future: Unlocking the entrepreneurial potential in scientific and research communities. Join us for a one day ENTERPRISERS workshop on how best to transform your cutting-edge research into real-world impact. The one-day event will focus on highlighting and communicating the potential impact of the ideas and research of the attendees as well as discussing key themes for markets of the future and the opportunities for new technologies. Workshop will be run by world-renowned experts from the prestigious Universities of Cambridge and University of Cranfield, this event is all about experiential learning and unlocking your entrepreneurial potential.

To take your desired impact from intention to reality requires an ‘Entrepreneurial Mindset’. In this workshop, we plan to explore and untangle this concept and its role in both bringing a research focus to being a commercial success, and building a portfolio career across sectors. We invite all early career researchers and scientists to take part in this workshop to better support their professional development through the lens of entrepreneurship and business.




The ENTERPRISERS workshop aims to unlock and cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset within the scientific and research communities. The inaugural event in 2023 will serve as a starting point for the building of a new network of future entrepreneurs alongside the mentors, investors, customers and suppliers that will play a part in the successful development and adoption of their technologies. Be part of it:

  • Build your self-confidence, basic business, and soft skills to help you to make a difference,
  • Build your own professional network and meet with entrepreneurs, industry players, and experts with whom you can test your ideas,
  • Gain a clearer understanding of the meaning of innovation and entrepreneurial behaviours,
  • Create a pathway to clearly identify the impact of your research,
  • Get inspired and build clarity on your future.

Industry and business leaders are invited to meet future entrepreneurs!

Join ENTERPRISERS on panel discussion and stay here for the networking. Our expert panelists will discuss their views on the future of technology, explore the themes we see through current investment trends, the path to ‘Net Zero’ and how to direct your development to ensure your technology fits the future market it will enter.


November 9, Thursday

Workshop & Networking Event for Scientists & Researchers

09:00 – Registration

09:30 – Welcome & Introduction.

10:00 – Unlocking the ‘Entrepreneurial Mindset’

11:30 – Break

12:00 – Your research impact

13:30 – Lunch

14:30 – Communicating your skills and research impact

16:00 – Close of workshop and call to action

16:15 – Break until Networking Event

Networking Inspired by Vilnius TechFusion

16:15 – Doors open

16:45 – Welcome word from Dr. Dalius Misiūnas, Rector of ISM University of Management and Economics

16:55 – Keynote speech by Orsolya Ihasz “Mission-led innovation through the lens of the Cambridge life science and health partnership: what could be the next move for the Baltics?”

17:10 – Panel discussion “Routes to commercialisation” for entrepreneurs, investors, industry and academia:

  • Dominykas Milašius, Investment Partner at Baltic Sandbox Ventures and Deep-Tech Entrepreneur (Moderator)
  • Kristina Babelytė – Labanauskė, Head of Innovation Office at Vilnius University
  • Vilma Purienė, Director of Knowledge and Technology Transfer Center at Vilnius Tech
  • Orsolya Ihasz, PhD, Senior Lecturer at Cranfield School of Management and Director for Cranfield Venture Programme
  • Liisa van Vliet, Research Associate at University of Cambridge and Entrepreneur
  • Philip Evans, Founder of Lucas Bond Consulting, Co-Founder of Colab-8 and Investor

17:55 – Networking inspired by Vilnius TechFusion

November 9, Thursday

Workshop & Networking for Scientists & Researchers

09:00 – Registration

09:30 – Welcome & Introduction.

10:00 – Unlocking the ‘Entrepreneurial Mindset’

11:30 – Break

12:00 – Your research impact

13:30 – Lunch

14:30 – Communicating your skills and research impact

16:00 – Close of workshop and call to action

16:15 – Break until Networking Event

Networking Inspired by Vilnius TechFusion

16:15 – Doors open

16:45 – Welcome word from Dr. Dalius Misiūnas, Rector of ISM University of Management and Economics

16:55 – Keynote speech by Orsolya Ihasz “Mission-led innovation through the lens of the Cambridge life science and health partnership: what could be the next move for the Baltics?”

17:10 – Panel discussion “Routes to commercialisation” for entrepreneurs, investors, industry and academia:

  • Dominykas Milašius, Investment Partner at Baltic Sandbox Ventures and Deep-Tech Entrepreneur (Moderator)
  • Kristina Babelytė – Labanauskė, Head of Innovation Office at Vilnius University
  • Vilma Purienė, Director of Knowledge and Technology Transfer Center at Vilnius Tech
  • Orsolya Ihasz, PhD, Senior Lecturer at Cranfield School of Management and Director for Cranfield Venture Programme
  • Liisa van Vliet, Research Associate at University of Cambridge and Entrepreneur
  • Philip Evans, Founder of Lucas Bond Consulting, Co-Founder of Colab-8 and Investor

17:55 – Networking inspired by Vilnius TechFusion

November 7, Tuesday (Day 1)

  • 09:30 – Welcome & Introduction.
  • 10:30 – Getting to know you (code of arms, timelines).
  • 12:00 – Lunch.
  • 12:45 – I2I journey.
  • 13:00 – Your research impact.
  • 14:15 – Break.
  • 14:30 – The spirit of Enterprise (large group).
  • 14:45 – The spirit of Enterprise (small group).
  • 16:30 – Belbin De-brief.
  • 17:00 – Reflection.
  • 18:00 – Guided Vilnius City tour

November 8, Wednesday (Day 2)

  • 09:30 – Attributes & advantages of my idea.
  • 10:00 – Creativity – where are the opportunities?
  • 11:30 – Break.
  • 11:45 – Market application and commercial advantages.
  • 12:15 – Creativity – Towards an opportunity.
  • 13:00 – Pitch the opportunity.
  • 13:30 – Lunch.
  • 14:00 – Value proposition.
  • 15:00 – Break.
  • 15:15 – Networking and pitching skills.
  • 16:00 – Meet entrepreneurs.
  • 17:30 – Networking session with entrepreneurs.

November 9, Thursday (Day 3)

  • 09:30 – Re-cap.
  • 9:45 – Business models.
  • 10:15 – Your venture idea.
  • 11:00 – Understanding finance.
  • 12:00 – Funding your idea.
  • 12:30 – Lunch.
  • 13:30 – Pitching preparation.
  • 15:00 – Break.
  • 15:15 – Pitching to panel.
  • 16:15 – Keeping the dream alive.

Ignite Your Internal Motivation

We are here to help you unleash your inner drive, empowering you to conquer new frontiers in research and innovation! We believe that true success begins with passion, and we’re committed to fuelling that fire within you.
Are you ready to supercharge your motivation with ENTERPRISERS?

Lectors & Facilitators




The workshop is free of charge, however, the travel and accommodation costs are not covered.

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